Shake Away These Constant Days

Coming in September from Jersey Devil Press

We finally have cover art for Shake Away These Constant Days, and she’s a beauty. Check it out then read what Sarah Rose Etter, author of the fabulous Tongue Party, has to say about Ryan Werner’s debut collection:

“Each of the stories in Ryan Werner’s Shake Away These Constant Days ends with a sentence that’s a fist to the ribs. The collection builds into repeated shots to the soft part of your guts, a beautiful pummeling. By the end of Shake Away These Constant Days, you won’t even notice the bruises, the missing teeth, the pain. You’ll only want to go another round.”

We couldn’t be happier with the way this one’s shaping up and are really excited for the advanced reactions we’ve gotten so far. We’ll have pre-order info up shortly, with the official release next month. In the meantime, keep up with all of Ryan’s doings on his blog and make sure you follow him on Twitter. (Hell, follow us too, while you’re at it.)

Meanwhile, JDP’s other new release, Exponential Apocalypse: Dead Presidents, continues to receive rave reviews:

“If The Avengers was written by Terry Pratchett and directed by Kevin Smith, you might end up in the same dimension as Exponential Apocalypse: Dead Presidents.”Radiant Attack

“This book is a bucketful of crazy and I enjoyed every minute.”
WiLove Books

And as if that’s not enough…Donuts!

Eirik Gumeny will be holding his official launch party for EA:DP at Mon Mothma’s favorite bakery, Rebel Donut. If you’re in Albuquerque this Saturday be sure to stop by. Eirik will be reading excepts and signing books. Plus, donuts!

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