Issue 34: Savior of the Universe!

Maybe it’s because we published two novellas last month, but for the September Issue we’ve decided to put the “short” back in short story. Twelve – count ‘em twelve – lovely little tales, none more than sixteen hundred words and most considerably shorter.

But just because they’re short doesn’t mean they don’t have big ideas at work: existentialism, transcendentalism, cultural genetics, time travel paradoxes, and the challenges of sobriety, to name a few. All that and alligator wrestling. It’s quite a ride, so make sure your jetpack’s strapped on tight and you’re wearing your sunglasses. Issue 34 of Jersey Devil Press is flashtastic.

Read it online, download the PDF, or just watch the Queen video.

One thought on “Issue 34: Savior of the Universe!

  1. Pingback: September issue of Jersey Devil Press is alive | Samuel Snoek-Brown

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