Monkeybicycle Lightning Round

If you’re in the greater New York City area, you’d do well to mark October 22nd on your calendars. Monkeybicycle will be holding Round One of their Lightning Round! Reading Series at KGB Bar in the East Village.

This new quarterly reading series fuses quick, high energy readings with a broad range of voices–both established and emerging–into a seamless hour of literary brilliance. Each event will feature 20 readers, each of whom will read no longer than three minutes before introducing the next reader. No interruption from the host means a continuous listening experience. No guidelines other than length means maximum variety of form and content.

Monkeybicycle’s Lightning Round! Reading Series: a cure for the common reading.

I’ll be reading, along with nineteen other writers of various styles, so you’re guaranteed to like something. If nothing else, the bar has a reputation for serving ridiculously large Russian beers. You can’t go wrong.

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