Issue 40 is Legendary

Just because this is Issue 40, don’t think we’re doing anything crazy. It’s not like we’re having a mid-life crisis and running off to far-flung corners of the earth, getting drunk with Dionysus, becoming a master pickpocket, applying for a job as an axe murderer, or possibly doing something deeply inappropriate with a unicorn.*

Nope, we’re doing none of that.

But we are letting a great bunch of writers play around with the concept of archetypes, lore, and legend. Fairy tales and mythology say so much about a culture; how people mess around with them says even more.

It’s like I once heard Patrick Stewart say: our myths define us.

(Then he told me to get the fuck out of his chair.)

With all that in mind, the March Issue of Jersey Devil Press is ready for you to explore.

Or, as Bono once said, back when he was still cool (no really), “This is 40.”


*Um, again.

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