An Audible Apocalypse

Like most of you, we’re excited that next month we’ll finally be able to enjoy The Great Gatsby as F. Scott Fitzgerald originally envisioned it: in 3-D! Not to be left behind, JDP’s most popular title, Exponential Apocalypse, is now available in, uh, 1-D. Wait, is sound a dimension? Fuck it, the point is they made an audio book out of Eirik Gumeny’s debut novel, read by Lee Ann Howlett, and you can get it NOW over at Audible. I think I speak for everyone at JDP when I say, “How fucking cool is that?”

The Gumenymania continues as Eirik has also released a chap book, Boy Meets Girl, through Kattywompus Press. We’re told that it’s uncharacteristically lacking in poop jokes and f-bombs, but we’re down with that. Consider it his Nebraska and go get your copy.

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