Free Equinox Included!

So here it is, the September 2013 Issue, my penultimate as editor.

Which is interesting, because if there’s a theme to this month’s issue it is decidedly not “next to last,” but rather “firsts.”

First time having sex with General Lee? We’ve got that.

First time stealing a statue of Jesus that actually isn’t Jesus? Yes, yes, we have that too.

First time walking around your new sandcastle? Uh-huh.

First time hitch-hiking? You betcha’.

And first time trying to have your first time at Disneyland…of course, we’ve got that. Who else would?

(Also, because we’re JDP and are statutorily required to print a certain number of stories about the apocalypse, we also have a lovely piece of flash about the world ending, which admittedly bucks the whole “firsts” theme.)

And there you have it. Issue 46 is simultaneously a collection of firsts and my penultimate. Enjoy.

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