SATCD: Year One

Shake Away These Constant Days by Ryan Werner

Those with a keen eye on the calendar will note this week marked the one-year anniversary of our releasing Ryan Werner’s debut collection, Shake Away These Constant Days. Helping get that book published was one of my favorite things I’ve done during my editorial reign. If I could change one thing though, I’d somehow magically (but legally) give it more reviews over on Amazon. While it’s fared better over at Good Reads, SATCD only has two reviews on the old titan of Internet commerce. So, if you enjoyed the book and want to consider this a shameless plea to tell others about it, you wouldn’t be wrong.

Apparently inspired by the billions we’ve made in the indie lit game, Ryan also started his own micropress in 2013, Passenger Side Books. He’s published three chap books so far: Murmuration, a collection of five interrelated stories that we’re guessing includes this; Whatever Doesn’t Drown Will Always Rise by Justin Daugherty; and Infinity’s Jukebox by Matthew Burnside, who just happened to pen this little nugget of wonderful for us last year.

And since I seem to be shamelessly plugging work by writers I like, I’d also remind everyone that Graham Tugwell’s collectionette, Everything Is Always Wrong, is well worth picking up. Also, our founding editor, Eirik Gumeny, has a new chap book out from Red Bird that you should definitely check out and while you’re at it grab a copy of Ally Malinenko’s Lizzy Speare and the Cursed Tomb if you’re looking for a great YA fix.

Collect ’em all.

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