Dream Baby Dream

Happy Birthday to us! Jersey Devil Press turns four with this issue and Ryan Werner, Dan Ress, Lawrence Buentello, and Caitlin Sinead Jennings are all here to help us celebrate.

Really, JDP’s always been a four-year old at heart. We occasionally say something profound, but then almost completely by accident. We can dress ourselves, but still prefer to run around without pants on. And we like the parts where Batman fights best.

None of us knows how long this crazy whirligig will keep defying the space-time continuum, so enjoy it while it’s here. Whether it’s four more years, four decades, or just enough time to match the Enterprise’s five-year mission, treasure JDP while it provides a home to the well-written weird, whacky, and enigmatic. (And by “treasure” we of course mean “promote on social media.”)

There’s more weepy stuff to say, but it’s probably quicker just to go watch the end of Serenity and insert “lit mag” whenever Mal talks about his ship to River.

Just try not to get impaled.

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