There are three flowers in a vase . . .

The_third_flower_is_greenAh, November. The gratuitous tree nudity; the biting, sleet-flecked wind that slices through our Duck Tales underoos; the dread of our Thanksgiving tofurky being mocked by omnivorous relatives.

But instead of wallowing in our depression like a hippopotamus with seasonal affective disorder, we’ve dedicated ourselves to providing you with an engaging diversion in the form of our November issue. So make yourself a margarita, turn on some ukulele music, and let Lucas Dylan-Frances, Gary Moshimer, Alex Munkacsy, Ian Sacks, Michael Schoch, and Sloan Thomas carry you away like a balmy tropical breeze.

3 thoughts on “There are three flowers in a vase . . .

  1. Okay, that pic is so amazingly subtle, but I know what you’re referencing, and I thank you for being an awesome person.

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