Submissions Are Open for Legendary Creatures Issue

Mess with the cockatrice, and your ass is granite.

Mess with the cockatrice, and your ass is granite.

For this one, we are looking for fiction AND poetry. In order to be considered, your submission must feature a legendary creature, such as a mythical beast or a figure from cryptozoology—including the Jersey Devil, naturally, but not limited to him. Dinosaurs and other animals confined to past geological eras are also fair game, because the only place they currently exist as living beings is in our collective imagination. (Which totally bums us out if we think about it for too long. Cheer us up by writing something incredible and sending it to us.)

Short stories: Submit one story of up to 5000 words (this is a bit longer than our regular monthly magazine limit, which is still 4200 words).

Flash fiction: Submit one to three stories of up to 1000 words each in a single document.

Poetry: Submit up to a total of 100 lines of poetry in a single document. This can be one long poem or multiple short poems. We welcome formal verse and skillfully crafted free verse. If prose poetry is your thing, please submit it as flash fiction, and keep in mind that we are wary of huge blocks of text with no white space.

No reprints. Simultaneous submissions are fine; just withdraw your work if another magazine snatches it up first. (And if that magazine finds a bag of flaming chupacabra turds on its front porch the next morning, don’t look at us.) Include a brief third-person bio with your submission.

Deadline: June 1, 2014

We accept hard-copy submissions delivered by dragons. If your dragon is unreliable, you may use Submittable.

P. S. We are still open for regular fiction submissions. (They have their own guidelines.)

4 thoughts on “Submissions Are Open for Legendary Creatures Issue

    • Thank you for your question. There have been special issues in the past for which we’ve been open to longer submissions (novella issues, for example), and we might try something like that again in the future, but generally speaking, we do not review stories that are longer than the stated word limit.

    • The Legendary Creatures issue is full, but if your submission is of the prose variety and under 4200 words, then we encourage you to submit it to the regular monthly magazine.

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