Show us your claws (and scales, fur, wings, tails, etc.)


Now all we need is a gi-fuckin’-normous bowl of cocktail sauce. (Also, major props if you know and love this movie.)

Stories and poems have been pouring in for our Legendary Creatures issue, which is great. Keep ’em coming! Check out the full guidelines and submit.

We would love to see more submissions featuring ANIMALS rather than human or human-like beings. We’d also like to see more contemporary and local creatures of legend—a story about the Mutant Rat Monsters that live in your hometown garbage dump, or a poem about a giant squid who falls in love with a pirate. Also, we’re crazy about haiku! Especially when they follow Michael Dylan Welch’s list of tips for writing haiku from Haiku World (although you can substitute imagination for personal experience in this case).

Also, JDP’s founder and our friend Eirik still needs those lungs. Please help if you can, and thanks so much to those of you who are already spreading the word and/or making a contribution.

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