As You-Know-What as a March Hare

In case you were wondering: Earl Grey, lots of lemon, no sugar.

In case you were wondering: Earl Grey with lemon. And leave the pot; it’s been a long day.

We love March. Probably because, as a certain disappearing tabby once observed, we’re all mad here. In that spirit, we’ve invited an eclectic group of guests to our little tea party this month. Our fifty-second issue opens with “Little Monster,” a tale of slow burning from Aida Ibisevic that will give you chills. Next up is Vajra Chandrasekera’s “By Good Angels Tenanted,” a story of two unusual sets of genitals—each terrifying in its own way—and the people who live with them. [Insert “teabagging” joke here.] Then the fun just keeps on keepin’ on with Christopher Cassavella’s amusing metafiction narrative, “Joe’s Theory.” That one is followed by “The Memory Thief,” a bittersweet zombie flash-fiction piece from Brianna Gielow. Lastly, William Blomstedt introduces you to the roommates you never knew you wanted in “The Scuttlebutt on Pluto.” And make sure you pause to admire “Revenge,” the creepy (but very classy) cover art by Betsy Streeter.

So if you’ve been bummed out lately by all this lousy Smarch weather, pull up a chair and hang with us for a while—there’s plenty of unbirthday cake to go around. If you forgot to bring a hat, you can borrow one of ours. And don’t mind the dormouse; he always sleeps in there.

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