We need some real toads up in this imaginary garden, yo!


The Hypnotoad is especially fond of scifaiku.

We know you’re out there, poets. We have incontrovertible evidence. So bust out those pens (or, you know, keyboards) and dash off a few lines for us. It’s what Marianne Moore would do.

Things we like: villanelles, limericks, haiku, free verse, invented forms, vivid imagery, sestinas, narrative poems, blank verse, playful use of sound, ballads, sonnets, prose poems, tanka, lyric poems, and odes.

One thing we don’t like: in the words of our illustrious Production Editor, “wonky-ass formatting.” If left-justification of all lines will ruin your poem, please don’t send it to us.

Check the guidelines, then submit.

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