This week: Hagridden!

hagridden_book_coverNot to brag, but our production editor, the talented Samuel Snoek-Brown, has written a book that’s already being hailed as “a novel for the ages, with shades of Cormac McCarthy and William Gay,” as well as “a page-turner of the very best sort” by those lucky enough to get their paws on advance copies.

How’s this for an awesome premise? “As the Civil War winds violently down, fears of the South’s uncertain future fuse with its unraveling traditions. Against the backdrop of this post-apocalyptic landscape, so littered with corpses and mythology and desperation, two women, stranded and alone in the Louisiana bayou, fight to survive.” Oh, and did we hear something about a rougarou?

Hagridden is being published by Columbus Press; the official release date is August 19. In the meantime, there is information about the book tour and lots of other good stuff over on the novel’s official website, so go check that out.

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