Issue Thirteen Now Online

Ladies, gentlemen, and spam-bots. It is our pleasure to welcome you to Issue Thirteen of Jersey Devil Press, the First Anniversary Invitational. And like the 13th child of Mrs. Leeds, this issue is going to live on forever. Why? For the same reason anything becomes legendary: It’s fucking awesome.

We sent out the call to five of our favorite contributors to come up with something new specifically for Jersey Devil Press and they did not fail to deliver, starting with Danger_Slater’s brilliant “A Robot’s Sonnet.” We follow it up with the dark “Hole in the Garden” by the always wonderful yt sumner, and then catch a ride with Craig Wallwork’s ingenious tale of love, devils, and British transportation, “Morning Birdsong and the Hell Demons.” Then it’s back across the pond for “Brave Young Americans: Some Assembly Required,” by the magnificent Jenny Ortiz, and, finally, Jersey’s own Mike Sweeney and the truly epic “Captain Neptunium and Lady U-boat.”

Check out the issue (both individual stories and our fancy new .pdf reader) by clicking here. And, since we loved this one so much, you can download it on your Kindle, too. We wanted to make it free, but Amazon apparently doesn’t allow that.

While you’re at it, feel free to dig around the site. We cleaned the place up a bit. All our older stories are still here, but the links have changed, so you may need to update your sites/bookmarks accordingly. Comments work now, too!

We could keep going on and on and get all sentimental about this being our one year anniversary, but instead we’re going to stick with a simple “Thanks.” If you weren’t reading and writing, we wouldn’t be here, and that would make us very sad. So thanks. And keep it up.

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