Best of the Web Nominations

Jersey Devil Press is proud to nominate the following stories for Dzanc Books Best of the Web 2011:

“To Do List,” by Morowa Yejidé
“Hand Me Down,” by Jim Walke
“A Robot’s Sonnet,” by Danger_Slater

They’re three damn fine stories by three damn fine writers and we’re doing what we can to get them the added attention the deserve. Best of luck to you.

In other news, we’re also pleased to announce the addition of Stephen Schwegler to the JDP staff. He’ll be on hand to help us read through submissions, as that impartial third party you hear so much about on the news. Apparently when you only have two people you sometimes end up with a tie, which sometimes ends up with shouting and veiled threats of violence. Steve’s also in charge of wrangling livestock, should that be an issue. We don’t think it will, but we’d rather be safe than sorry.

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