No Vacancy

We’ve got the next 3+ issues already filled and waiting to go, so we’re gonna take us a well-deserved vacation. Sort of.

Regular submissions will be closed as of November 1st. We’ll keep going through what we have and what we get until then, shoring up our 2011 issues as far ahead as we can. Regular submissions will re-open on January 3rd, give or take a day pending the brutality of our hangovers.

“But what’s with the ‘regular’ qualifier?” I’m sure you’re asking. Well, just like last year, we’re planning on publishing another holiday half-issue. As such, we’ll be accepting holiday submissions only for the week of November 10th through the 17th. For what it’s worth, “holiday” really means “winter.” Christmas, Hannukah, New Year’s, slush monsters, whatever. Winter’s just not as alliterative a word. In any event, we want ’em short. 1,000 words or less. And we’re really looking for humor this year. And abominable snowmen. No Santa on a murdering spree stories, please.

So, to recap:

Regular submissions will be closed as of November 1st, re-opening in January.

Holiday submissions will be accepted from November 10th through the 17th.

We know that’s not a lot of time, but we have faith in you. I mean, you’re going to need to do something when you’re putting off writing your novel, right?

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