Big Pimpin’

Just a reminder that Holiday Half-Issue submissions are open until tomorrow at midnight! You’ve still got time to rock something awesome out! We’re looking for short, funny, winter/holiday stories. Christmas, Hannukah, New Year’s, abominable snowmen, the world’s largest slushball fight, that kind of thing. The half-issue will be released in the middle of December, just in time for whatever it is you’re celebrating.

Speaking of celebrating, Victor David Giron’s novel Sophomoric Philosophy was published today by Curbside Splendor and he couldn’t be more excited. You can find out more about the book — and order your copy — by clicking here.

Also released today was Shya Scanlon’s Forecast. Sure, he’s not actually associated with JDP in any way, but I met him at Monkeybicycle’s reading last month and he seems like a good guy. Also, the first sentence of the novel’s description is “The year is 2212, the weather is out of control, and Seattle is being rebuilt with electricity generated from negative human emotion.” If that doesn’t sound like something to be interested in, you might be reading the wrong magazine. You can find out more about Forecast at Flatmancrooked.

And since we’re just reminding the crap out of everything today, don’t forget that we here at Jersey Devil Press have our own books and our own magazine that need your love and money, too. Seriously, we’ll take either one.

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