Black Friday Shenanigans

If you’re reading this, we’ll assume you’ve woken from your turkey comas and made it back from the malls untrampled. Good for you. Because now it’s time to start the holiday season in earnest, and you know what that means: It’s time to spend all your money.

But don’t worry, we here at Jersey Devil Press are here to help you out. Starting today and continuing until the new year, all the books in our store are discounted. That’s right, you can get signed copies of Perhaps. or Exponential Apocalypse for only $9.99! The 2010 Jersey Devil Press Anthology is also $9.99, although none of those are signed. I mean, seriously, you ever try to corral twenty authors in a room with just one pen? It gets ugly.

We’ve also discounted our Genghis Khan Versus a Velociraptor magnet set to five dollars. That’s right, just five dollars! And speaking of merchandise, you should also check out our new CafePress store. It’s got t-shirts and coffee mugs and stuff. Stuff you can buy and give to people. Or keep for yourself. *hint hint*

Anyway, our point is, this shit is awesome and now you can buy it and fulfill all your societal obligations for the next month in one fell swoop! Our books will change peoples lives, and our t-shirts can also be worn to hockey games. And then there’s the coffee mugs. They hold coffee! Or tea! Or other things! It’s unbelievable.

And, don’t forget, our books are available on Amazon, too! They’re probably running some crazy ass deals of their own, so you might as well take advantage of it.

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