Guess what just dropped into your pumpkin hole?

Mr. Punkincheeks, Devourer of Souls (and Snickers)

Welcome to issue One Hundred Two. The pieces in these pages share a contemplative tone, reflecting on the past, evaluating the present, and speculating on what is yet to come. Gavin Broom returns with a lovely and subtle seaside story, and C. M. Donahue imagines a lunar adventurer’s final moments in free verse. Heather Santo‘s flash fiction explains how science and art collaborate in the realm of the beyond. Askold Skalsky‘s sonnet explores the distance between desire and reality, and Emily Williamson‘s blank verse poem turns a landfill into a time machine. And if it’s straight-up horror you’re looking for, Predra6 has you covered with this month’s cover art.

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