Welcome to October Country

Glad autumn tidings to you, Dear Reader. From the multitude of leaves the winds have scattered in the parlor of our woodland cave, we have collected six to press between the pages of Issue 106. Grace Elizabeth Butler’s “The Wolf Who Was Late” is a bold crimson sugar maple. Nenad Pavlovic’s “How the Ninja Turtles Almost Got Me Killed” is a sycamore, splattered with vibrant crayon hues. J. D. Dixon’s “They being (being there)” is a delicate handful of quaking aspen leaves. Gary Moshimer’s “Chips and Cheers” is a robust horse chestnut, while Daniel Galef’s “How to Pull a Coin Out of an Ear” is a slippery elm, rustling with mischief. Amanda Chiado’s “Throw Yourself Across the Earth” is a rich brown oak with sharp points.

Gorgeous cover art courtesy of Stefan Keller. Best enjoyed on a misty moor or in the middle of a pumpkin patch.

Crunch it online or rustle through the .pdf.

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