JDP 2020 Pushcart Nominations

“I don’t have any money, but I can pay you with a song.”

There’s not much of this cursed year left, but there’s still time to share the pieces we nominated for this year’s Pushcart Prize!

“Amid the Frolicking Penguins” by Robert Garnham

“The Youngest Cannibal Returns to Texas After Her First Semester of College” by Anne Gresham

Ferryman” by Laura Parker

Bayonne Bridge” by A E Weisgerber

Congratulations to all of our fabulous nominees, and please rest assured that we did actually mail these out on time, and it’s only our communication of this to the world that is running a little behind.

For more good readin’, keep an eye out for next issue, which will appear in January; meanwhile, our most recent issue is always available to delight you.

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