Issue Sixteen now online!

I know we’re technically a few days shy of the new year, but welcome to Issue Sixteen, the first issue of 2011!

We start this issue on the crowded sidewalks of the cities and we end on the post-apocalyptic shores of Wisconsin. Specifically, our first stop is the subway and the enigmatic Eric Westerlind’s “In A Pinch.” Next we go topside, to a tale playing out in every cafe across this country, with “Brown and Green: A Love Story,” by Hobie Anthony. After that, we go globe-trotting with scientists in “The Unanswerable Question, Answered,” by Aidan Ryan, only to end up in a world few would recognize in “If No, Then Else,” by Jersey native Brian Hurrel. We continue through this changed land with Jozelle Dyer’s magnificent tale of love and zombies, “Jenny,” making our way to the aforementioned Wisconsin with Ken Brosky’s end of days epic, “Apocalypse Wow!”

Dig in, people. This year’s just beginning.

You can find the online version here for your internetting pleasure, or you can download the .pdf here and read it on your fancy mobile device. Whichever you choose, be sure to comment on any stories that tickle your respective fancy. Right now the spam is outclassing the actual comments by a wide margin and it’s making us sad.

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