Love Me

“This book is… Oh my wow. This has to be the most random crazy book I have EVER read.” — Jagged Edge Reviews

“This was a wonderfully absurd read, and one that had me frequently laughing out loud. It’s twisted and perverted (which isn’t a bad thing!), and wildly inventive. Every time you figure you’ve reached the heights of absurdity … he dangles something even more ridiculous in front of you and then sneaks up behind you and smacks you over the head with something even more unexpected.” — Bending the Bookshelf

“Underneath the humor and the allusions though what the book really is is a parable for anyone who ever searched for the meaning of life and wound up agnostic or atheist. Parts of it truly speak to the experience of finding and losing religion.” — Opinions of a Wolf

the world's most flammable novel

Do you like tales of Cold War espionage? Taut psychological thrillers? Science fiction as a metaphor for U.S. foreign policy? How about cute angst-filled teenage vampire toyboys?

Well, too bad. None of those things are in this book.

Instead you’ll join a guy in a Viking suit on an absurdly epic quest to figure out the meaning of life. There will be obstacles, of course: rabid gangs of disgruntled grannies, rival cults of pie-enthusiasts, toasters, anti-matter conversion do-hickeys, Shadow Men, bandits, hippies, annoying celestial bodies, the Department of Internationally Sexy Affairs, and probably way too many dick jokes for this book to ever be considered for any serious academic curriculum. You know, the usual.

So what are you waiting for? Light a few candles, pour another glass of wine, and grab the lube.

You’re about to Love Me.

LOVE ME, the debut novel by Danger_Slater, the world’s most flammable writer!

Available from Amazon, for your Kindle, at Smashwords, or your other favorite retailers!

Read the first chapter now!

Available now in paperback (168 pages, ISBN 9780984612741) and e-book formats!
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