Shake Away These Constant Days

Shake Away
These Constant Days

30 Stories by Ryan Werner
Now Available

ISBN 978-0-9859062-6-9

Shake Away These Constant Days is an impressive debut from a young and exciting voice.”
Joey Pizzolato, Curbside Splendor

Thirty short short stories about twists in ephemeral truth, the way small amounts of time are dissected and put back together wrong, if at all.

“Each of the stories in Ryan Werner’s Shake Away These Constant Days ends with a sentence that’s a fist to the ribs. The collection builds into repeated shots to the soft part of your guts, a beautiful pummeling. By the end of Shake Away These Constant Days, you won’t even notice the bruises, the missing teeth, the pain. You’ll only want to go another round.” – Sarah Rose Etter, author of Tongue Party

“Ryan Werner’s debut marks the arrival of an important new voice: quirky, world-wise, and as joyfully rambunctious as your favorite punk rock song. Listen up. You’ll be glad you did.” – Tom Cooper, author of Phantasmagoria and Barataria

Read the first four stories from Shake Away These Constant Days here.

You can order your signed copy today by clicking below.

4 thoughts on “Shake Away These Constant Days

  1. Pingback: Shake Away These Constant Days | Samuel Snoek-Brown

  2. Pingback: These days are constant. Get ready to shake them away. | Samuel Snoek-Brown

  3. Pingback: PANK Blog / Heavy Petting, by Gregory Sherl (A Review by Ryan Werner)

  4. Pingback: I Review Things, Books, Great Things, Books, Very Apparently: Shake Away These Constant Days By Ryan Werner | Untoward Magazine - An Online Internet Literary Web Magazine

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