
Coyle Parker

"TextureX," by Coyle Parker.

Growing up in the dark, wet Pacific NW, Coyle developed many outlets including art, music and dance. He attended a semester of art school at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, Ma and was unknowingly blessed with a security job at the Harvard Art Museums. Here he was constantly surrounded and engulfed in the viewing and creative process. Many times seeing work that was tucked away in private rooms. This is where Coyle drastically grew as an individual and an artist. But after a spell of homesickness he stopped making art and moved back to Oregon in an attempt to find himself. He made a few moves around the west coast and eventually found his home in Portland, OR. Here he continued his artistic path with music as his tool. Years later Coyle enrolled at Portland State University where he revisited his passion for the fine arts. Through the experimentation of mixing media, colloguing, scale shifts, and exploring chemicals and inks, Coyle found his love for printmaking. He received his BA in drawing/painting/printmaking in 2010 and resides in Portland, OR where he is currently showing work and dreaming of a sunny landscape. To purchase and view more work from Coyle Parker please visit www.etsy.com/shop/CoyleParker or check out his blog at coyleparker.blogspot.com.

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