Issue Nine, June 2010

Business with an M, Matthew Amundsen
“I know people my age are not supposed to give a fuck about anything, and I agree with them that most things are not worth giving a fuck about, but I like money.”

Hey-Zeus, Can You See?, C. G. Morelli
“‘Have yourself a glass of water. I can’t say you won’t be needing it.'”

Big Girls, Sara Finnerty
“Soon she was too big for doorways anyway.”

The Athlete, William Farrant
“Today we will see the Athlete compete against a Typical Day.
It should be an intense competition, Marie.”

Slice of Life, Eric Westerlind
“The kitchen’s glow is a gaping mouth of fluorescence. I flex my fingers, knuckles pinkblue, shading my eyes at the same time.”

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