Issue Forty-three, June 2013

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Drones, Ricardo Angulo
“Drones were everywhere. In the skies, shape-shifting into stars. I watched the news. I wanted to know more but then I noticed the blank emotion on the news anchor and the news reporters. They were all drones. And every channel I flipped to were full of drones.”

Arrhythmia, Nate Depke
Nothing worked. The pink chrysanthemums died as before. Sam blasted the people closest to him. It’s how he dealt with frustration.

What the Hell Is a Bread Van?, Ric Carter
“Claude stared at his flatmate in incomprehension, scowled. One of the fish had set long and languid defecation adrift in the water in front of him.”

Middle-Class Man, Jon Wesick
“‘I’m Middle-Class Man here to single-handedly battle the systemic problems contributing the economic decline of the American middle class. You’d better hire all these workers back or you’re going to get it.'”

Sleeping Saints Lie, Robert Buswell
“We sat back on thick wooden pews and watched the world end for hundreds of millions more. I glanced out into the graveyard through the open doors and saw earth cracking.”

It Scares Me When It Gets Like This, Helena Ainsworth
“It scares me when it gets like this
and of course the scars frighten alien touch,
but at least they are tangible,
at least they are real.”

The Last Time I Saw Her, She Was Doing Fine, Isaac Boone Davis
“Even before the turkey shot Mama Cooper, the party was a disaster.”

Cover art: The Next Screen You See May Be Your Own, Samuel Snoek-Brown

3 thoughts on “Issue Forty-three, June 2013

  1. Pingback: Jersey Devil Pressed until the blood squeezed out | Samuel Snoek-Brown

  2. Pingback: What The Hell Is A Bread Van? @ Jersey Devil Press | Digestive Press

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