Uche Ogbuji

Vulcan’s Invisible Ink Trap

Sky-spanning Venus peacock tail
Blur of nodes streaked past our eyes
Goddess sex leaves vapor trail
Sky-spanning Venus peacock tail
Lurid colors, black-chain-mail
Herald copper-plated lies
Sky-spanning Venus peacock tail
Blur of nodes streaked past our eyes.

UCHE OGBUJI was born in Calabar, Nigeria. He lived, among other places, in Egypt and England before settling near Boulder, Colorado. Uche is a computer engineer and entrepreneur whose abiding passion is poetry. His poems, fusing native Igbo culture, European Classicism, U.S. Mountain West setting, and Hip-Hop influences, have appeared widely, most recently in IthacaLit, Unsplendid, String Poet, Mountain Gazette, The Raintown Review, Victorian Violet, YB Poetry, Shadow Road Quarterly, Angle Poetry Journal, and Featherlit. He is editor at Kin Poetry Journal and The Nervous Breakdown.

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