Issue Thirteen, October 2010

A Robot’s Sonnet, Danger_Slater
“He built me himself out of a microwave, an electric toothbrush, and a second-generation iPod touch. I recall every vivid detail of that day just as I recall every vivid detail of every day. I come equipped with six terabytes of memory.”

Hole in the Garden, yt sumner
“It wasn’t very wide but it looked deep and when I leaned over I couldn’t see the bottom. I nibbled my lip. It would not do having a hole in my garden like this. Someone could fall in.”

Morning Birdsong and the Hell Demons, Craig Wallwork
“As I discovered recently while travelling along the M62 motorway, my father was wrong: the way to a woman’s heart is not through her sternum, but instead by jamming an umbrella into the chest of a winged demon from Hell.”

Brave Young Americans: Some Assembly Required, Jenny Ortiz
“There’d been a time when Jaynus and I dreamt that running away would mean the hot sun on our skin, the taste of fresh coffee, waking up in a new city. But then hiding in train cars, jumping over fences, and washing up in the bathrooms of gas stations started wearing us down.”

Captain Neptunium and Lady U-boat, Mike Sweeney
“I don’t know much about the supernatural, but I do know that any time ‘magic’ is spelled with a ‘j’ and a superfluous ‘k’ slapped on the end, it’s never a good thing. Whatever book Professor Majestic was using, I can bet it wasn’t about communing with the Mother Goddess.”

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