High Voltage

High VoltageThe world has ended twenty-six and a half times to date… but that’s not about to stop it from trying again.

The sun, after a particularly debaucherous evening, has stumbled across the horizon and flipped a giant, geomagnetic middle finger at the Earth, detonating nearly every transformer and power line on the planet and crippling the single electrical grid that powers North America. The world has been plunged back into the Boring Ages overnight. Although this means very little to anyone, as no one is able to Google when the Boring Ages were or how society got out of them the first time.

With darkness looming, the economy crashing, and nobody’s DVRs working, everything seems lost; humanity is one more unmicrowaved Hot Pocket away from eating itself alive. So now it’s up to Thor, the former Norse God of Thunder, and the ragtag group of mercenary “heroes” he calls friends to set things right and hotwire the North American continent.

HIGH VOLTAGE, the third novel in the EXPONENTIAL APOCALYPSE series, is the perfect jumping on point for new readers. All of the fast-paced humor and snark of the first two critically-acclaimed, best-selling books and none of the having to read them first.

Witty and wired, HIGH VOLTAGE is the post-apocalyptic dark comedy for anyone who wishes The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy had more dick jokes or Clerks had more homicidal old lady ghosts. And, you know, was a book.


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